Originally Posted by Dude
Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
Heh, heh, diggin the scientific Minecraft. Glad DS7 isn't the only one with a gruesome sense of scientific humor. We've been fans of Phineas and Ferb for a while, and play a game of science gone wrong with Dr. Doofenschmirtz as the star. Typically we end up with real science... like "ooo... my Saltinator 3000 is almost ready. Ah there's the missing ingredients, 'Do It Yourself Salt', quite the bargain! OK, I'll just open the chlorine bottle... oh wait, the sodium has oil all over it, I better take that to the bath tub and wash it off first...."

LOVE it.

Professor Doofenschmirtz is the best thing that ever happened to animation.

We are building plenty of -inators here too! Lol - it is such an awesome show, and we love the app too. But darn it that song - DS 7 will run around going Doofenschmirtz, INC in that sing songy way, it's the worst ear worm!!! But love the celebration of smart sciency kids.
