Originally Posted by Dude
Originally Posted by Mana
Dude, my father thinks he sings well...

Interesting word choice there (italics). Do the two of you disagree?

One reason why I try not to bring this up very often is because, as my high school music teacher used to say, "Some people want to sing in the worst way. And they do." Much like having a gifted kid, being able to sing is one of those claims that is often made inaccurately.

Or then there's this: (and BTW, one of us is a trained musician, and one is an industry professional...not the same person, naturally!)

Me to spouse: "Do you think DC has better intonation than I do?"

Spouse: [momentary hesitation]

And I think that answers -that- question!

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...