Hi all -I've been following this topic for a few months now. I am "homeschooling" my nearly 5 year old this year because we didn't make the state age cut-off for K. He's doing great and (shockingly) we are both enjoying the homeschool process. I am hoping to enroll him into a public school next year because I think he needs the peer stimulation.

Long story short . . . because of his age, he may only be eligible for K in 2010 (not 1st as we'd hoped). In our area, gifted programming/accommodations don't occur until 1st grade at the earliest. My gut feeling is that DS will suffer greatly in a regular K classroom (almost all schools are full-day).

At a playgroup this weekend, all of the (ND-MG) parents kept telling me how he'd be fine in a classroom and that I'm silly for even being concerned about his placement. They thought I was crazy for considering 1st next year. I felt really ganged-up on and misunderstood. cry Basically, this is a vent, a need for understanding (from all of you who "get it") and a simple question- is a regular K class working for anyone?

Mom to DYS-DS6 & DS3