JJsMom - you are right, we really got lucky this year. It's like night and day from last year for us.

I am so happy to say, that three days into school, my son LOVES kindergarten! Never in a million years would I have thought I would be saying this. This morning at breakfast he told me that "Kindergarten is cool!" What a difference a teacher makes. His teacher has been wonderful, and she is doing little things to differentiate for him (for example, when the other children were coloring "kindergarten" pictures, she gave him a "math" coloring worksheet where he had to color 1/4 of the square red, 1/2 of the circle blue, figure out what fraction of the picture was left uncolored, etc.) Still extremely easy for him but at least they realize and are giving him something a bit more advanced (for kindergarten, anyway). He has been doing the 3rd grade math pretest all week, and he tells me he loves math in school! So far no behavior issues like last year - still keeping the fingers crossed on that one. :-) I am soooooo happy at this point. I went to visit him at lunch today and it is soooo nice to be able to go into school without the big knot in my stomach, wondering what he did wrong today.....