Is your DS just SO over this school thing? It kind of sounds like he knows what he's doing -- smart little thing that he is -- and is getting the only attention they'll give him at school. I think from what you've said he doesn't seem like he has anything emotionally invested in school. To me, and it's just MHO, but it sounds like he's figured out that the school isn't planning to help him. And they SHOULD help him -- should help him learn, should help him get into an appropriate environment where he isn't compelled to act out. We here all know that he's acting out because he isn't challenged, but the school so frustratingly doesn't seem as if they have any intent to help. I so hope this is not the case. You are absolutely right that they should be doing something to help, but sadly, you being right might not matter to them. I so hope that they get the testing results and the principal realizes that they've been wrong all along and then they jump into immediate action.

She thought she could, so she did.