Originally Posted by JJsMom
Someone catch me quick - before I faint!

�I have been talking to the principal and the Target (gifted) about your DS's (name edited by me) academics. I will call you later today or later in the week to let you know what we have discussed.�

Do not faint! Remain calm! This is a good sign, but it's just the begining. Smile at the universe, say 'of course they want to help us' and put it out of your mind until you have more info. This kind of sitiatution tends to be rollercoaster-ish. Wait and see, and say a few prayers of gratitude. It's almost never as full or as fast as you might want, but every little bit helps!

The main thing is that your whole family probably rides on your emotional energy, so stay calm and centered. I wish it wasn't like this - but it usually is.

Love and More Love,

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