Originally Posted by Kriston
He's fascinated by time, so he's figuring out how many seconds are in X minutes. He got 13 minutes correct, which surprised me since 13x60 seemed like a pretty tough problem, so I asked him to do one out loud--22 minutes--to let me hear how he was thinking it through. I realized that he was multiplying 20x60 and 2x60 and adding them together.

The way he has leapt ahead in math is really shocking to me. To be honest, even though I already have one HG+ child, the sudden onset of this math ability and intense interest for DS5 is freaking me out.

So weird this could easily be my Tigger but he's probably a wee bit behind yours. He's always been fascinated with time - to begin with it was days and dates - if I live to be 100 how many years left, then how many months, weeks, days etc. Then it was down to hours, minutes, seconds. Now anything to do with time has to be calculated to the exact minute. We're going out at 8am, its now 7.42am so he has to tell you that we only have 18mins to go. I had to think to work that out and he just rattles it off like its so easy peasy!

His progress in math this last few weeks has also really freaked me out - its not so much the what but the speed... both for picking up new concepts and doing the actual calculations. His last lot of work I wrote the answers for him because his brain was whirring through so fast he was getting frustrated because he couldn't write them down quick enough.

As for school - yep hear you - which is why we are now doing things after school to keep him buzzing (and me sane as it gets him off time calculations for a bit). My girlfriends tell me their girls (about 7 months younger than DS - so about 6.5) are working on adding up the numbers on a dice in math and they don't even get spelling to learn - they freaked when they saw Tigger's list of 15 this week. (Referred, receiver, doubt etc) 15/15 right again this week - amazes me every week he brings a list home I think no way - but he does it... smile