Sorry that your son's behavior was bad.
Glad that the teacher can see he isn't getting his educational needs met in the current reading program.

I'm hopeful for the following reasons.
1) He has behaved well in Math and is happy there. So they understand the need for subject acceleration.
2) They group across classroom for Kindy reading, so they understand the need for flexible grouping

My guess is that they will offer you a gradeskip or reading subject acceleration. Is it too late to switch to the half day program (you may have to call it partial homeschooling, but who cares?)

Be Sure to sit in on a first grade class and observe what they are doing in there. Even if you son is 'only' MG, he may be a very good candidate for full grade acceleration. MG kids who have unmet learning needs are the best group for single grade acceleration.

Best Wishes,

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