Originally Posted by mom2twoboys
[quote=Jamie B]I don't know about the assessment. So what's he doing while the other kids are doing reading? I wonder if they have him in a reading group below his level because that's where the other kids in the group are.

Jamie: Not sure about every day, but earlier this week, I asked if he read with his teacher since he didn't go to the other classroom. He said yes, with his teacher and the classroom. Asked if it was an interesting book and he laughed and said it only had 2 words on each page! He actually thought it was highly amusing. Tonight at bedtime, he said the book he read with his new reading group this week was too easy. At least he's jolly when he shares this info. It's all like a big joke to him, but he did say he'd rather read harder books.

It's hard to say about the assessments, not really sure exactly how they work. It makes sense if that is where they assessed him at that he is only doing it a couple times a week. Unfortunately if they are above level some, kids just get it sporadically, or sometimes not at all and are left to just read by themselves in the classroom, or work in groups of 1. It is also interesting when the school says that kids will be doing certain things and the kids come home and tell a different story. My DS5 came home the other day and told me he was all done with reading. I asked what he was talking about. He said that he got everything right and was at the highest level so he doesn't need to go to reading (I've got that one written down to ask about at our conference coming up). Not sure how much is their misinterpretation or actual facts. I think sometimes it is a mixture of both. My DS is the same as yours when it comes to talking about how easy things are. Most of the time he says it in an "I can't believe it" kind of way. At times he is frustrated, but pretty easy going kid in general. I was trying to get him to branch out from the magic treehouse books since that seems to be all he gets from the library and the classroom to read. I asked if there were other books there. He said "well there are some books about clouds" I told him that sounded kind of neat and he said "but they are for the other kids because there are only 2-3 words on every page....like 'one cloud, two clouds, three clouds.' " That's pretty crazy, but he thought it was a little humorous.