Tx for posting everyone and suggesting this JJsmom! It's great to hear that everyone's doing so well.

DS is hanging in there even though this has been a throwaway year within school. We do so much outside to keep him learning that we've all survived. He is beginning to talk about how his reading is different from the other kids except for one girl, so we're keeping an eye on it. Unfortunately, the one girl won't be back at our school next year.

DH and I met with the principal today to discuss what needs to be done to challenge him next year. We got a lot of non-answers but at least feel like we've put her on notice that we expect the school to do better next year. I told her his homework this year has been laughable and I threw it out and gave him my own work (she seemed surprised and a bit annoyed at that). And I showed her writing work he's doing at home that is beyond what he's doing at school to force the issue that they aren't challenging him enough.

We put out there that we thought that she may need to consider moving him up a grade for at least the reading part of his day next year. For the first time, she didn't totally balk at us and said that this may be a reasonable solution but we need to see what he's doing at the end of the summer. We also talked a bit about our feelings about grade skipping, particularly b/c my husband skipped first grade.

We are supposed to hear whether he gets into the magnet school on May 17. It's such a longshot, but I'm really hoping he gets in. It would be a much better place for him.