Ms.Friz & shellymos - thanks for the Hoagies suggestion. Unfortunately, Austin is 3 hours away and the others listed in TX are much further. I guess Austin would be a possibility for an assessment but not practical for repeat visits.

MAMom2Ray - I'll suggest DD check with GD's dr. although she is not really a pediatrician but a family dr.

I was hoping to find someone qualified locally to assess (including testing), counsel and advocate for GD5 - will keep looking.

As a follow-up, DD met briefly with school psych. this am and was asked to fill out a questionaire & then wants to give same to GD5. The psyc. said the goal was to help GD handle her boredom and control her reactions. (Said the reality is nothing will be done to challenge her in Kind.) DD was told most gifted kids are introverts unlike GD5 and she probably would not be accepted into the gifted program unless behavior is changed. Also said GT does not start until 1st Gr. and then in regular classroom with some pullouts for special projects. Psyc. did say she had observed GD in class earlier in year and did not see any behavior problems - just "busyness". Also said since her BD is in mid-May, she may just need time to mature. Then DD had meeting with play therapist in pm - will schedule time with GD next week to evaluate if can help. Also mentioned maturity may just be a little behind. They both mentioned positive behavior charts/stickers etc. which have all been tried again and again. DD is afraid she's only going to be told the same things we're already doing. GD's recent outbursts are not planned but reactions due to fear or frustration and made worse when she does not eat enough at BK or lunch.

No direct reference to OT or sensitivity integration but maybe later? That sounds like the best hope to me but DD says everyone she talks to has their own plans. I feel so helpless (I can't pursue things myself) but so does DD. GD is not in trouble daily but she seems to have been "labeled" as a behavior problem even though she has many great days. At least her teacher is trying to work with her some. OK - vent over for now.