I'm doing my best to hold off on worrying until after testing, E&W. Not that testing doesn't have it's own potential pitfalls, but I also know that most siblings are within 10 IQ points of one another. So if we have one HG+ kid in the family, chances are pretty decent that we have more than one. But second (and third, etc.) kids tend to present differently than the 1st kid. So what looks ND or maybe MG may really just be different GTness that we don't really recognize as such.

My biggest worry personally is that there's a 2E issue we haven't IDd.

Do you have ideas about what to do for your DS if the school situation he's in now is not a good fit, whether advocacy, another school, or homeschooling?

That's where I'm at: keeping my options open. I'm watching and staying positive about the school situation as it is, even as I consider other options in case it doesn't go well.

FYI, we're also seeing what looks like what I'd call "lazy reading" out of DS5--the ability seems to be mostly there, but he dosn't seem to be very accurate nor wildly interested (though he LOVES books and being read to). That's one of the reasons I worry that he's got some 2E issue.

...But then I also worry that I'm being paranoid, and he's just a normal kid. I don't want to be one of "those" moms. eek
