I'm on board with this idea! DS5(in a month) homeschooled K last year and is now enrolling in a local public school Independent Study program with a teacher who actually insisted on being his teacher and was willing to help us fight for an interdistrict transfer if we had any problems. I swear this teacher is a dream come true after the horrors of trying to find a place for Wolf all last year.

The good part of that struggle was that he got assessed by one of the charter schools we were looking at (probably because they didn't believe me about his abilities...) so now we have a better idea of what we're dealing with. Right now his reading and math are end of 2nd, but his english and writing are maybe mid to late 1st. His teacher says that we will start him wherever I think he is at and then go from there. The class is a K-1 class and the laws here say that due to his age he has to start in K, but she is moving him to 1 at the semester. The only drawback to the I.S. option is that they have very few kids Wolf's age and so there more than likely won't be a kiddie class.