Hi EastnWest: So sorry to hear about DS5. Agree with others about substituting different homework. Do you have to turn yours in? Our K homework is optional. I quickly scrapped the math portions, in particular, for my mathy DS7 in K, getting him a workbook at his level. Worked beautifully. I'm already planning for the same with DS5.

In fact, I kept him home for the day yesterday b/c he was a little sick and home schooled him for the day. I know without a doubt that what he did here was much harder than anything he's done at school so far: Cut out a picture, glue it to paper and write something about it. (His work: "Logerheads do not wok on land. Thy do swim."). Of course, when I challenged him about the fact that they lay eggs on land, I was told: They don't walk, they push up the sand with their flippers! Math: First-grade math workbook. Reading: Whatever he wanted.

St. Pauli girl has some good suggestions. Sounds like you need to chat with the teacher in a non-confrontational way, like, I hope he's not causing trouble, but he's coming home unhappy every day. I wasn't going to say anything b/c we're moving, but ...

St. Pauli girl: So glad to hear your good news. I surreptitiously donated a "found" box of Legos to DS5's teacher for this school year b/c his room was lacking good toys! No special pieces in the box I donated, but at least there's SOMETHING Lego for DS to build with ;-). Amazing how even when they're learning full speed ahead, the toys really do matter!