Originally Posted by 22B
Originally Posted by CFK
My son's tuition for his BS degree in math at a decent state flagship will cost me about $9700. That's not per year, that's total. And that includes taking many (more costly than undergrad) graduate courses. ... It's not all doom and gloom.

Did it cost much to take university courses while in high school?

It seems you can get almost free tuition with high merit once you are a university student. But do you have to pay full price for individual courses when still enrolled in school?

Here, that varies by county, by school district, and even by individual school.

DD's school (and the one she's districted for, also) will not cover dual enrollment costs. Period. They'll allow you to count the courses toward graduation... but--

they also won't "weight" the grade the way that they will with AP offered on campus. Yes, this is stupid. When asked to defend this policy, one local administrator patiently "explained" to me that college courses-- unlike their AP courses-- are of 'variable' quality... and they don't 'control' them, so they can't very well offer grade weighting...

You can imagine what I thought of THAT... and never one to not speak my mind, I said so, too. With a pointed aside about class rank being utterly meaningless in such a system.

In a neighboring district's schools, though-- students can attend the local community college for VASTLY reduced rates.

In some states, this kind of patchwork doesn't exist because of centralized policy on the subject. Recall, though, that my own state is one in which AP is thought to be the cornerstone of GT educational policy for secondary, in spite of the many hurdles associated with getting a child into that system before 12th grade. Most districts with a lot of dual enrollment opportunity have very weak course offerings themselves. So it isn't necessarily a good thing if that option exists for you.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.