CFK, I'm certainly not suggesting that a plan like that isn't a good idea for a lot of DYS-level kids. Nowhere is that more true than in those kids with well-honed interests in math, computer science, or physics.

In fact, it's probably the best, most sane plan for the vast majority of them-- presuming that the entire family can avoid buying into the hype surrounding elite college admissions (which is just about as meaningless as PG, as terms go). Also assuming that you've been able to realize a fairly ideal K-12 education for that child, and maximize study in an area of interest so as to accumulate a couple of years' worth of dual enrollment credit. Truly, this sounds-- given where I live, and the reality of what GT ed is and is not around here-- like "you should have been eating cake." Well, yes... but I was a little more concerned about bread in the short-term. wink KWIM? The school makes it VERY hard advice to follow, and that includes the local colleges at which one must beg a seat for a non-admitted, very young student.

Also, this is a good, workable plan for students who have a learning style which is a good match for it. That's not to say that CFK's child is antisocial-- far from it. Just to note that for some kids, being an outlier BOTHERS them a lot more than it does others. How they cope varies wildly.

Flagship State varies dramatically from place to place, also-- for someone in CA, that's an excellent plan from an educational standpoint (though I think that at this point, I'd hasten to add that this graphic is pretty disturbing if that is, in fact, 'plan A' for you, ten years down the road). For someone in WY or ID, maybe not so viable. For us, the cost of a neighboring state Flagship University rivals that of Stanford in cost, and our OWN state Flagships are more like the best that the Cal-state system has to offer, and THEY are in some serious financial doo-doo, too, so fee increases there may soon be back into double-digits annually.

WA's legislature just approved a freeze. For one year-- for in-state students, anyway.


We're definitely not hopping onto the HYP(e) Bandwagon. I just see too little to suggest that it is worth the costs-- both real and incidental.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.