Originally Posted by 22B
I think one of the main points in all of this is that costs matter. But the costs depend on your financial status, your academic status, and the institution.

If you have a second quartile household income
namely about $50k-$90k per year, the the Ivies and other elites are much cheaper than other options. (Some Ivies will even cap net price at 10% of income up to $150k income, so 91% of households would pay at most 10% of income, if accepted.)

I went to
to get stats on universities, and also checked out the Net Price Calculators of each place, and put in mid 2nd quartile income numbers $70k income, $200k house, $100k other non-sheltered assets.

The following are the 15 private universities with 25th Percentile SAT Math scores at least 700, and I list the middle 50% of those scores, and the Net Price (including loans and student work) given by their Calculators.
Thanks for your research. Were the prices quoted for state schools for out-of-state residents?