I'm sorry for losing you there again. If some mediocre level of worldly success is what you dream for your child, you may well be on the right track, as I wrote before. I would prefer my child to come as close to his full potential as possible, and of course I also want him to be happy.

It seems to me that your upbringing may be doing the opposite of creating someone with a strong internal locus of control, after reading this Wikipedia entry:

The reasons include the crying etc., which make it seem more likely your son will avoid trying when the pressure's off; and the fact that he apparently feels that he needs you to push him when he faces a tough obstacle. I just don't see how that's going to translate into indomitable will to overcome, when mommy's not around any more.

ETA: Val and blob said it better. Mechanism for the leap.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick