What is a "high quality" extracurricular? My teen, for example, spent most of last summer collecting insects. It definitely took more than 3.5 hours per week, especially the identification part. We bought a couple of books, and found some websites. I did buy some materials (boxes, net, pins, mounting board, etc.), a total of around $200. I think she got a lot out of that activity (and when she took biology in school this fall, she found the identification process they worked on very easy after spending the summer working on bug ids!). It has helped feed her strong interest in biology, and this year she decided on her own to study for the USA Biology Olympiad test.

My advice is to be careful here. You can win the battle, but lose the war. While there is no question when the chips are down who is the parent in our house (eg, at chore time!), I also know that it is possible to damage your relationship with your child by forcing them to do things that are your interest, and not theirs.

FYI, I was an avid clarinet player in junior high and high school. I practiced for hours every day because I loved it. I gave lessons, too, and had students who loved it and some who hated it. I think it is very difficult to move a kid who hates an instrument to liking it. Even though I found great joy, and developed very high skills at an instrument, I have not forced my kids to try to do the same. They tried instrumental music, and it didn't "take" with either of them. I am fine with that -- as teens and young adults, they have found their passions and excel at them.