Originally Posted by JaneSmith
However, with your advice in mind i think if I do let him quit I will present it as a break. I think it will be tough for us to go back ,but I see no downside in saying "OK, you can have a break." As opposed to "OK, you can quit."
His breaks never came about after any particular battle -- or in response to complaints. He'd develop a sharp Pavlovian response if I ever allowed that. Instead, they typically came naturally after a build-up in preparation for a performance, or in conjunction with a school vacation. (Or both, as with our current break.) I always made it a point to tie the break to his hard preparatory work, even when the end-result was not his best possible performance.

Sorry the break in November didn't yield positive results for you. I'd try another one, though, or reduce frequency & duration of practice.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz