Originally Posted by Wren
Dandy, you are not doing your child any favors.
C'mon Wren, you've been around here long enough to know I don't roll that way.

DD is across the hall on a playdate now. I am not so strict that she cannot do it. But she did piano this morning and then ballet class, lunch and then finished her piano practice before playdate.
If this is true, then you have failed as a "Chinese Mother," at least within the construct described by Chua. At best you would be a Westernized Chinese Mother in her view.

How would you react to an A-... or heaven forbid... a B+!?!?

Would you express an even-tempered insistence on improvement, or would there be "first a screaming, hair-tearing explosion" followed by running to get "dozens, maybe hundreds of practice tests and work through them with [your] child for as long as it takes to get the grade up to an A"?

I think I've read enough of your posts 'round here to know that while you may be more demanding than I am (and many people are), you probably don't hold a candle to the Land-of-Enchantment that Chua describes.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz