Well, not "fine," really...
there are other problems, mostly related to perfectionism and the assessment scheme being what it is with the virtual school (lots of multiple choice, very few open-ended or discussion assessments, mostly 3-5 item assessments where one wrong answer drops more than a letter grade on the assignment).

So the right B&M placement could be awesome academically, and be terrific for her. It would come with terrible risks... but there could be a point where that might be worth it.

I mean, I know what is going on in her head. I just don't have any handle on fixing it.

She's decided that having to work means she's not as smart as she thinks (traumatic), and that self-handicapping or avoidance is a better solution than facing her fears and risking "failure" in the course with an authentic effort at the material.

It's going to happen again at some point with other subjects. I predict physics would be next, actually. Maybe statistics.

Yes, I think it was just a dramatic act on his part, but honestly, it's unfathomable to me on either the disability level (seriously-- that alone would make many school administrators quake), or the PG one.

She's one of those "unteachable" kids. When she hits a wall, boy, she's sullen and uncooperative and just all out NASTY-- because it makes her feel stupid, YK?

She's a 110%, solid-gold Perfectionist who HATES work that isn't meaningful, but fears failure. Putting the bar lower for someone like that just seems to be counter to every bit of advice on the subject. But DH won't hear it from me (and he wonders where DD gets that refractory streak from). <ugh>

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.