Originally Posted by JaneSmith
I'm surprised he would spent so much time going off on what seems kind of tangential when your daughter has lost almost 10% of her body weight in 3 months.

I agree. Did the doctor do anything about the weight loss?

This may not work for everyone, but one thing we did with our pediatrician early on was to make it very clear were were not seeking social or educational advice. We are capable of seeking out advice from other experts and sources of information. Most pediatricians don't have the kind of training to offer meaningful information about those topics and the topics are also pretty value laden and knowing we have some out of the mainstream opinions on those issues I don't expect a pediatrician will necessarily share our values.

So, my approach would be to simply cutoff the pediatrician and say that you would like to focus on medical issues. It sounds like there is plenty to be concerned about in that area and there isn't a need to waste time talking about her schoolwork.