It's on my hold list at the library!!

That other bewildered parent needs to return it so that I can have it. wink

We've worked our way through a few other executive function/skills books lately, and while there are some things that seem to "fit" there is just a general sense (independently, both DH and I) that it doesn't quite come into focus with her. That is, the behaviors are not especially broad spectrum, nor pervasive, and there are things that flat out don't fit.

We both had the sense that "Oh, yeah... I've seen that before... but, uhh, not in {DD} really." So we recognized the behaviors from our observations in the classroom-- but the picture just doesn't quite fit DD, if that makes sense. Not when you look at the big picture with her, anyway.

DH and I are quite different in our cognitive processing, so the fact that we BOTH felt that way is a pretty good indicator that our instincts are good, I think.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.