I am going to echo ADHD inattentive type. It has taken years for me to see this trend in my famiy and it is very easy to dismiss. Look at the paradoxes in the information:

- She likes to be honor roll, but doesn't focus or work at it: In my family, I see this all the time. We have a history of Aspeger's on one side and ADHD on the other. It is really easy to blame this on the child's study skils. Heck, I blamed it on my study skills. My mother blames it on her inability to study. But, if you have ADHD you cannot focus. I was a total perfectionist, blamed myself for not being able to study, fell into huge depressions about it...and even with all that emotional turmoil, I could not study.

- The anger and frustration she has: If she can not study and cannot make herself work at it, then all the pushing in the world won't make it any better. I know the frustration from the parenting end. I have some of it for my older son who is both Aspeger's and ADD. It looks like laziness, but if it is AHD inattentive, then she cannot. And more importantly, she will avoid work that makes her think 'too much' because it is overwhelming. Whether or not she is perfectly capable of doing it, it will feel overwhelming and it takes a huge effort to get past that.

More points are that ADHD inattentive types work much better with hard deadlines that mean something. Usually they wait until the last minute, but they generally meet the deadline. You will see it more around school time, because that is when the child is asked to focus more on non-preferred tasks for longer periods of time, and to motivate herself to do things that they will find "boring" (i.e. that do not provide enough stimulus for them to be able to focus on.)

Anyways, I am not saying she has this, but I am saying that ther is a possibility she does.