Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
I just don't see how it WOULDN'T be skewed significantly due to sheer sleep deprivation, honestly.

Is there not a way to put an end to that? Now that you know what is going on - put the laptop, keyboards, mice under lock and key at night if you have to. Sleep deprivation should be pretty quick to resolve.

In my opinion it would be perfectly fine to speak to the doctor and explain that you've seen her academically achieving years beyond average for her grade so you think cognitive testing is important. However, right now she's in crisis and you are concerned the scores will not accurately reflect her abilities. As your insurance is likely to pay for the cognitive testing only once you'd prefer to get the situation more stabilized first.

Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Being HG is part of her identity at this point, and being told "no, you're MG-- why can't you just relax and enjoy being with those other MG kids" isn't likely to help her much with her feelings of isolation/alienation. KWIM?

???? Who would tell her that???

You are the one who owns this test information. If you don't think it is accurate you don't have to give her the results. And, no matter the results nobody has to say that "relax" line.

Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
I'm not at ALL happy that the psychologist in question doesn't seem to want to discuss testing with DH and I ahead of time. It seems very strange, and it makes my parent radar twang a bit.

Another possible interpretation of this situation. Most people don't want to know these details so they didn't think to offer them. Most people hire someone they think is good at their job and then trust that they have the ability to determine what tests to run based on a reading of the history and the referral. Certainly you should have a conversation with the doctor if you want to, but I'd start from assuming they aren't trying to be evasive or cheat you. You'll probably get further in getting to the bottom of the situation.

Ultimately it sounds like you are going to need a local (or close to local) resource for therapy. It may be good to pursue an evaluation out of the area if you can afford it, but I hope you will get lucky and find a workable local resource.