Very interesting to learn about your area of expertise. I have a particular interest in cognitive science, but it is not my field.

I don't have any formal educational expertise in any of the areas related to this particular issue. My experience however, involves living in a unique small town of 2000, where I personally know 1500 people. The town has often led the entire country in a number of per capita statistics (in some years). For instance, highest number of scientists, highest number of gifted students. I will describe this town as one of extremes. Some of statistical extremes are good and some are not good. I do not wish to go into details here. The statistics were not extremely out of line with the average, but enough to be noticable.

Living in a small town, a person gets to see people from birth to advanced age. It also offers up the opportunity to know a lot about peoples personal, professional, educational and social lives. When I compare a lot of what I have seen to what the sciences involved in human behavior, I see a lot of missing information. I suspect a lot of psychologists only see their patients for the short period of time they are under a specific classification.

I have seen a few cases where the effects of the wrong medication were significant enough to feel it is a good idea to monitor someone 24/7 for a period of at least a couple weeks or possibly more. Nothing might have happened, but the person effected appeared completely out of control of their actions and totally confused.

At the age of 11, the changes may only be temporary life cycle changes (a more extreme terrible 2s cycle). However, there is a lot of neural developmental changes happening at this age as well. These developmental changes can be permanent. The more permanent changes tend to be more gradual in nature. You will gradually see a change in behavior in a certain direction. The temporary changes tend to appear suddenly and disappear as suddenly. Some people don't notice the gradual changes until they are extreme, so these changes may be seen as sudden.

This is what my experience tells me.