Oh yuck.

Well, psych2's office called back. They plan to do "cognitive, executive, emotional, eating-disorder, etc. etc." assessments with that four hours.

When I asked for more specifics, I was informed that she "doesn't like to" be specific about the assessment tools prior to the appointment.

Hmm... Well, oddly enough, I don't like to be giving blanket approvals for testing for my young adolescent daughter, either.


So apparently I'll need to schedule an appointment with the psych if I want more specific information ahead of time.

I said that was just fine with me. I just don't want to say "Yeah, sure-- whatever" unless the doctor can explain WHY a particular assessment is being performed and what she hopes to learn from it.

They wouldn't expect me to sign on for a chest X-ray and an MRI without giving me a reason why, would they?


DH and I are not happy with how this has all transpired thus far. Our family doc probably has a lot to do with that, but if they are looking for a particular problem, maybe they ought to let us in on the secret, too, YK?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.