Originally Posted by shellymos
At one point DS6 whined to me and said he was thirsty and I told him "wait til it's over and you can get a drink from the fountain."
Do you have concerns that he will begin to feel like a "superstar" at school and expect or come to 'need' the attention from others? If they really do treat him like one of their own, then maybe you won't have that issue.

My ds 6 has recently started reacting differently to this special treatment that people give him. I've noticed that he has a tendency now to share his knowledge with others in a way that seems to me to be for the purpose of impressing them. This new reaction is very subtle and no one else would probably notice it, but I see it as a big change and it concerns me. Then again, maybe he's doing it because he believes that people are genuinely interested in hearing about his natural history museum. wink

Then DS6 kept his hand out and every student in the class said bye to him by name and gave him a high five. And all seemed genuine in the whole thing. It was a strange thing to see, but kind of cool.

That's really great! Good for him. I would love to see that happen with mine... though we are still working on him actually making contact with the other person's hand when doing a high-five! crazy