My DYS-DS6 is in 1st grade, public school language immersion, with no acceleration or differentiation (so far) that we can tell... and he is happy as a clam! It is sort of freaky to see him hop out of the car with a wave and a cheerful "See you this afternoon!" (he was NEVER like this in preschool or K), but by golly the boy seems to be having a good time. The math is ridiculously basic; other parents besides me have been complaining about that; so we will keep our eyes on it and supplement as needed. It jarred my nerves to see phonics work coming home at the beginning of the year (he was reading the newspaper before he started K) -- but when I ask if it's boring, he says no. He does other reading in class, it seems, and all in the second language. So: academically he might not progress a lot except in 2nd language fluency (which is not a small thing), but socially he is doing GREAT (also not a small thing for our DS).

Just wanted to post that there is at least one very gifted kid out there who is doing well in public school without any special accommodations, besides the new language. smile

Oh, and the school's gifted coordinator knows all about him, and I have no doubt she will be a big help if we need to do something about the academics going forward. If nothing else, she is very good at reassuring anxious parents of HG-PG kids. <grin>