Originally Posted by st pauli girl
We're not pulling our DS because we were upset with some of the things the school did, but really we want DS to have intellectual peers his own age. We don't want to burn any bridges - we might need to come back. Or want to come back (the HS here has a lot of different options that would probably work for DS). So, wish me luck on Monday when I go report the pullout.
Good luck Monday!!! Excellent news about the opening - what a stroke of luck! So glad the school is near your job - that's nice. I think the current school will understand your perspective, afterall, 'social and emotional needs come first at school.' I'm pretty sure you'll be able to filter the sarcasm out better than I can.

Great news that he has a friend he likes well enough to miss, too!

Yippee and More Yippee!

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