Just checking in. I am feeling discouraged about even trying to get differentiation for DD, but on the other hand she seems to enjoying first and does a good job challenging herself at home. She has been bringing books from home to read in class, which seems to be fine. I got a chance to see her spelling and phonics books, which are going to be very, very easy for her. I'm trying to decide whether or not to just let that go. I am 90% sure they are not going to be receptive to anything special in math.

The school has other aspects which she enjoys a lot, and so far her behavior seems to have been great, which was not the case last year in K. However, last year we started out well and then began a long downward spiral of complaints. I'm trying to decide whether to try to get myself motivated to go in and ask for more or whether to just wait and see how she does a while longer. It seems like everyone in my life is telling me to let it go when it comes to DD and school, and I'm feeling tired and not willing to try. She IS only 6. Maybe it doesn't matter for now.