Since I'm here posting (and enjoying reading everyone else's posts smile!) I thought I'd update how my DS6 is doing.

As background, DS skipped K last year. This year he is in 2nd with math acceleration to 3rd.

Because of scheduling issues, DS starts the morning in his 2nd grade class, goes to 3rd grade for an hour, comes back to his regular class, and then has to go to another 2nd grade class for an hour at the end of the day. All the teachers were so concerned about him having three different teachers and his ability to transition well between the classes. We (my DH and I) weren't so nervous about it because we figured that, since school was basically fairly new to him, it wouldn't seem all that out of the ordinary to him. Still everyone at school was nervous about it.

Well, I'm happy to say that everything is going great! His math teacher has told us several times that he is so mature and comes right in and sits down and gets started with his math. She also says that he is among the middle of the class math-wise, which we think is wonderful right now (given that he is being taught math formally for the first time and that he's still getting all A's). He's also transitioning well when he gets back from math and when he goes to the other class in the afternoon. He's remembering completely on his own and gets right to work.

Unfortunately, while math is at the right level for him, almost everything else is still quite easy for him (save writing, which is grade appropriate; his teacher says he has great handwriting, though!). Luckily, I feel like he gets enough reading and discussion at home, and also we do enough fun things during his time at home that he's exposed to more in-depth science and social studies topics than he gets at school. Also, we tend to turn his easy spelling words into opportunities to alphabetize and look things up in the dictionaries he bought with his own money last year. And, eventhough he has some good friends he's making in 3rd grade, we still feel like 2nd grade is a great social fit for him.

So, all in all, a great start to the year!

She thought she could, so she did.