Today is our parent/teacher conference with DS6.5's teacher. His biggest issue has been behavior. I totally believe he's now trying to fit in with the boys (he was always that boy that played with the more mature girls), so he's acting like they are but getting caught. I also believe that he is a bit bored and that he wants to "teach" the other kids in his class when they are learning something he knows.

His teacher and I have been in contact and have worked on some ideas to help him. So far, so good... he has moments, but nothing major. So that is good. But I still will be VERY sad that he will have a few Ps (P=progressing, S=Successful) on his report card.

Do you think it's wrong to "bribe" him with his behavior? Right now, it's how he earns his computer/video game time, which I think is appropriate. But I'm trying to make a big goal - like so many weeks = a new video game or something, so he can see the "light" at the end of the tunnel (so there's no "boredom" with earning a certain amount of time each week). On one hand I feel he should behave because that is what is expected, but on the other, I want him to actually behave and can see where having a prize might help even moreso!

Anyway, wish me luck. I don't know why I get nervous about these things!