Ds7 (June birthday) will be in 2nd grade - school starts August 16th. When he was in 1st, they accelerated him to 2nd in math, but could only manage 3 days a week, due to scheduling problems. This year, his 2nd grade teacher, and his 3rd grade math teacher are supposed to be arranging their schedule so he can go every day. Fingers crossed that this actually happens ! His 2nd grade teacher this year is the same one he went to math for last year - and the 3rd grade teacher I also know, as her son used to attend my daycare smile He does have one girl in his grade that is almost at his reading level, so I'm sure they'll be grouped together again. His teacher last year gave him his own spelling list, and I'm pretty sure that will carry on this year. Last year they let him attend the ULE (gifted) program starting in about Feb, even though he hadn't been tested yet. In May, he tested into the program, so he'll start with it straight away. I'm interested to see how it goes - the school so far have been wonderful, and are happy to have ds there and to help challenge him. We went to a science evening in May, and the principal pulled us aside, and told us that in 15 years he had never met a child like ds - smart, social, kind, etc etc etc. Always good to hear LOL
As for tying shoes - he tried a few times, but didn't have the patience - then tried agaim when he was about 6 1/2, and figured it out in about 20 minutes. Still wears velcro shoes, though - it's so much easier !