I'm not sure if this is the place to post - we are unschoolers and if my DS6 was in school he would be in reception (kindergarten) but I think he would be better suited to grade 1 or 2...

Having finally cottoned on (admitted) to the fact that my son is most likely gifted I've been doing lots of reading (here and elsewhere) and realised just how much my child has been bored. So I'm incorporating a little more schoolly type stuff into our day and he is clearly thriving with it.

I showed him how to do double and triple digit addition last week and he absolutely clicked with it. Kept asking for more and more difficult questions. He called carrying the ten "stealing the ten)LOL. We also pulled out some old mental maths books that I bought him about a year ago that were hidden under other books and he really enjoyed doing a few units from that, which had lots of new concepts in it.

He's reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, out loud to me and to himself in his head. He's about half way after 2 weeks.

We made a trip to the library and got some documentaries on Antarctica and The Galapagos Islands out. He also chose a Maths Dictionary and another book called Cool Stuff Exploded, which related to the How Cool Stuff Works book that we borrowed about a year ago.

The most wonderful thing about all of this is that both of us are enjoying his learning so much more now. Many of the activities he is doing are enjoyable for me as well as him. I am creating a list of different resources and materials I am going to find for him, such as an atlas, times tables chart, concrete maths materials etc.