Originally Posted by jba8280
The new principal called me yesterday and told me that there is no way they are skipping him to 2nd grade. That until they know him, which could take a few years, they won't even consider it. He wouldn't even listen to anything I had to say.

I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to your son. It had to be a great disappointment to him.

I know that there is a lot of literature about working positively with the schools. See if you can find something that will help.

However if you've exhausted the more positive routes, you may want to talk to the principal and make it clear you are considering pulling your child from the school. My Mom (a Professor of education) pointed out to me that in this day and age of test scores being so important many schools are willing to jump through hoops to keep high scoring kids in their school.

At this point they may be trying to game the test scores by what grade your child is in. The Principal may also be of the opinion that you have no options. In this case letting them know what you are considering may help them decide to help you (and keep you at the school). You may also see if your state requires that Gifted Services be offered to homeschooled and private schooled children. That could be a good way of opening the conversation.