That is great news, Shellymos! I am so happy for your ds to be challenged!

I want to report in with cautious optimism for the beginning of dd6's 1st grade year in her private, gifted school.

I feel relieved that she was once again appropriately placed in her reading and math groups (I only know this based on a certain "wicked smart" boy with whom I feel she should always be placed). I was pleased that when the teacher screened the top kids for math placement, she gave them timed tests in addition, subtraction and multiplication (dd taught herself all her multiplication tables up through 12 this summer). I'm hoping that bodes well for more challenging math to be offered this year (see my daughter's 0+0 comment about kindergarten math from earlier in this thread). Personally, I want to see the different ability groups really doing different work.

I'm not sure reading will prove much of a challenge (dd finished kindergarten testing at the 4th grade level - not sure where she is now). However in "language arts" dd is learning quite a bit about writing and spelling, both subjects in which she has much room to grow.

My biggest happiness, so far this year is in seeing how comfortable and accepted dd6 feels at school. She is a quirky kid, but there, I know she is well liked. I used to feel that we were making this private school financial sacrifice simply so that dd could be subject accelerated while staying in the same grade (she is an early summer birthday). Now, I feel that the peer group is as just as big of a factor as to why we will stay.