We had a HUGE breakthrough with cursive writing this week! After weeks/months of struggling with her perfectionism, DD8 is making progress. I had the two DKs in the tub last night and took little man out to dry and dress him in his PJs. When I went back to help DD out, I found she had taken the bath crayons and written four three-letter words in cursive on the tiles (God, dad, cod and dog) along with pictures of each underneath. She told me "I like it better now that we can put the letters together, it is just like a puzzle trying to figure out how to connect all the letters together. I like it now!"

Complete credit to her psychologist and her amazingly supportive teacher for recognizing how crippling her perfectionism was and giving her all the tools she needed to be successful. This is a huge success for her!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery