I wrote a couple weeks ago that I thought dd 2 3/4 could read more than the few words that I knew that she knew. There are several words that she learned a long time ago (Over a year ago). Yesterday, she was in a particularly bubbly mood and demonstrated her ability to read for about a 1/2 hour. Today, I am curious whether she will still know how to read, or if she will again pretend to be unable.

I often think she can read quite well as she knows things that I feel most likely she had figured out by reading, but she has been very cloak and dagger about this skill until yesterday. She has not hid the fact that she has memorized most books that we read to her and she has readily shown off that she knows what is said on every page, but it has always been a memory feat. This was different; she was very much demonstrating to us that she could read. It was as though she was ready to let the cat out of the bag.

She didn't tell us that she knows how to read, and I didn't think to ask. When I have asked in the past she has said things like "No, I am too little daddy." (I think she picked that up from daycare. I know one of the caretakers said that in her previous class, in front of all of the kids during a long monolog about why toddlers should not be shown the alphabet until they are older.)