Hello! This is my first post here. I found this forum last night and am excited smile I have been googling on more info on gifted kids...I'm new at this, and resources are quite limited especially here in Asia. My girl is 3. I used to post stuff about her on my facebook, but I am starting to get conscious about it.

My girl started reading at 2 and by now is a proficient reader.
She draws really cute stuff. I actually took some time to document her drawings here and I admire them from time to time. *proud mama* Hahaha...

There was once I was telling her about liquids/solids during shower, giving her examples (eg the soapy water she's playing with is liquid, the towel is solid), and she interrupted me with "pee pee is liquid, poo poo is solid!". It was very funny but it showed that she clearly understood the concept.