Originally Posted by Marnie
Originally Posted by Lovemydd
Mom, let us call the book The Mystery of the Missing Seven, written and illustrated by DD.

Two and four coming through
What comes next six and eight
And then comes ten lappy looze (with a z mom)
All numbers even looking for seven.

oh my goodness, Lovemydd...not only is that adorable, but my numbers-obsessed DS3.5 would LOVE that. I am definitely reading it to him tomorrow morning. (he carries around numbers like stuffed animals - they have personalities, and he draws number people doing things like playing on the playground, etc etc...this is RIGHT up his alley wink )

so i read it to him this morning...he was super excited and wanted to write one too:

ouik wiop went to count
there were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
but 9 was missing!

(he wrote this himself on the computer, so don't ask me who Ouik Wiop is...besides the fact that he is a fan of making up silly names for people/things)

i say we start a poem chain with our little ones wink