Thanks! I hope his note works! I am glad to see him being proactive and asking for what he needs. I did direct him to give it to the gifted teacher, though, instead of his regular teacher, even though it is addressed to both of them.

Last year in K, he began to show definite underachiever tendencies, and it really concerned us. He really, really wants to learn, and has been so disappointed in school because it is so very easy for him.

I am definitely going to follow up with the teachers after he gives them the note. He has a GIEP, but their position is that they will not accelerate in math; only provide differentiated work. In practice, this means that they will not teach him above grade level math, but they will let him practice it. I don't think they were counting on the fact that he is going to continue to learn new math skills, though, even if he isn't being taught them at school. wink