woah i'm so behind on these. aquinas - holy that is amazing. i love reading about everyone's early readers - it's so cool seeing the way language clicks for them.

and HK - hurray! that must be such a major relief. hope you guys are doing a toast to the end of the standardized tests. i know they're useful, but good riddance! (ours will unfortunately begin in the spring - hold my hand, ok?)

and Lovemydd - that's kind of you to say! DD5 actually did a Suez canal drawing yesterday that includes a pretty good vanishing point - which i ALSO did not teach her - she just kind of worked it out (?!) - so today i'm going to show her how to do that for real. i should really start that art thread - i really, really want to see all the other drawings out there!

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.