Originally Posted by Dude
Plus, it was no fun for us adults AT ALL. If I'm going to role play, I want to play as someone I'm not.

My DD is one of those children who are naturally wired to be oppositional so it brings me much joy to hear DD cheerfully reply "Okay" to my requests rather than her usual "Yes but..."

Her preferred pretend play scenario for months was to be a ballet teacher and I was one of her students. I wasn't allowed to talk during class and nothing I ever did was good enough (unfortunately, she really is a perfectionist at heart). If I tried to ask a question by raising my hand, she reminded me that all questions had to wait until the end of the class. These days, I refuse to participate as a student but I'm the director of the school and I critique her teaching techniques ("You have to tell your students what to do instead rather than just telling them what they are doing wrong. You have to give corrections").

I will try to get DD to switch roles with me today and see how she handles being a mother to a child like DD. Now that does sound like fun.