DD8 had homework last night, which included an interesting puzzle from her gifted math class. It involved a 5x5 grid, 25 numbers to fit into the grid, and 10 labels for the columns and rows... things like "prime numbers," "multiples of 5," "factors of 60," "square numbers," and "triangular numbers" (yeah, that one needed a little explanation from DD... think bowling pin arrangements). The challenge is to arrange the labels and the numbers in such a way that they all fit together, all conditions are true.

The assignment isn't due until tomorrow, but Wednesday is the day she goes to gymnastics with her friend, then plays with her after dinner, so we forced her to finish it last night, because we're cruel hothousing parents like that.

Recognizing that this wasn't your average math worksheet, I teamed up with DD to help her solve it, and as we got started, she said something to the effect of, "I like this assignment, because it's challenging. My classmates were complaining about it, because it's challenging."