I posted earlier today on this subject, but deleted thinking I was bragging too much, but then thought again that that is the topic of this thread.

So here it is:

dd 2 3/4 has long established herself as verbally astute. Mommy and daddy are both math folks, but we have neither ever really tried to teach her any math. She did learn to count on her own as a function of learning to talk at a very young age. But today, on a whim I threw an easy subtraction problem at her:

If daddy has 5 gold doubloons and then gives you 3 of them. How many would daddy still have? Instantly she said 2 without a thought. I tried several more addition and subtraction and each time she gave the right answer.

Then to step it up I asked her:
If daddy has 10 and mommy has 4 and each of us give you half of ours, who would have the most. Annoyed sounding she said "Me.", with a sigh as though to say why am I asking these stupid questions.

Later I repeated the exercise for my wife, and dd did answer correctly, but slower and more annoyed and distracted.

I am very proud of her, and do want to encourage her along these lines, but on the flip side she seems to be figuring this stuff out on her own, and I would like to let her keep figuring it out for herself. I feel like I need to sneak math opportunities to her without overtly teaching math. Right now, I feel like I have missed the pink elephant in the room. She has always been into singing, dancing, superheroes, and books. It never really occurred to me to ask her math questions, which is odd as my career is math intensive.