Originally Posted by ultramarina
She is kind of a polarizing kid. She doesn't back down easily, and she will absolutely let you know whenever you're wrong. (She has corrected grammar mistakes on homework sheets several times this year.) At the same time, she has a soft heart and a generous spirit, and she really throws herself into things. Certain adults really don't like her, and others really enjoy her despite her challenging traits. People *remember* her--her kindergarten teacher was asking a friend about her the other day, though she hasn't seen her in three years (we left that school), and told my friend how much she had loved having her in her class (this is funny to me because it didn't always seem that way to me at that time!!) We had been pretty lucky up till this year.

I would love to have a kid like that in my classroom. I hope that next year she has a teacher who can appreciate her.