This is not a brag as much as it was just a moment of achievement for us: DD9 came up to me this morning with a plan for an invention that she wanted to make. She had a materials list, the instructions, a diagram.

I told her I would take her to the hardware store to purchase the items on her material list that we did not readily have on hand, which were two magnets.

As we were shopping at the store for the magnets, DD looked at me (perfectionist) with anxiety and said: I don't think we should buy these, what if my invention doesn't work.

I calmly told her that inventions are not guaranteed to work, failed test results are legitimate and should be logged in order to make corrections to the plan and retry toward success. Not all inventions are successful, but we never know unless we try.

Her anxiety left and excitement returned. She has to use the drill for her invention so she can't start creating until DH gets home, but I am so happy to see her follow through of her own accord in the face of impending uncertainty. Normally she would have quit.