Dd4 is reading! Yay! Dd has been surprising us with her math and science reasoning abilities for a long time now but never showed any interest in reading. We read a lot to her but other than that have not used any method to teach her to read. I was thinking of starting to formally teach her to read but wanted to know what she knows. So 2 weeks ago, I tried to see if she can read. I wrote 10 long sentences (7-12 word sentences) with a mix of sight and phonetic words ( words like kind, beautiful, like, crayons, etc) and she read them all. She seems to know most of her sight words, guessed some of words based on context and phonetically read and in some cases corrected based on context. She was not extremely slow either. Would you guys consider this reading? She still has no interest in reading books or reading spontaneously but I am not going to force her. I think she will get there soon enough.